The Launch nyan~

3 min readOct 15, 2020

Nyanswop is finally flying off today! Well actually… we’re already LIVE!!! To celebrate that, we giving additional incentives for liquidity providers.

Nyanswop Token Details

Token Name: NYA (Nyanswop Token)
Contract Address: 0xbFa0841F7a90c4CE6643f651756EE340991F99D5
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP 20)
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Token Allocation

We believe in fair launches. So there is no pre-allocation of the NYA tokens. Hence 100% of the NYA tokens belong to the community. NYA tokens are distributed through the participation of liquidity providing.

Liquidity Pools (NYAN-LP)

Provide liquidity as the first step to start earning NYA tokens.

Liquidity providers will get 0.3% of the fees charged when swapping of tokens. This fee is split by liquidity providers proportional to their contribution to liquidity reserves.

Get your NYAN-LP tokens here:

Earn NYA Token

Once you have provided liquidity, you will get NYAN-LP tokens. Stake the NYAN-LP tokens to start earning NYA tokens.

Incentives Start Time: October 15, 2020 12:00:00 PM UTC+0
Incentives Run Time: 30 days
Incentives Per Day: 533,333 NYA tokens (approx)

The initial incentivized pools are as follows:

NYA/BNB (4x)
DAI/BNB (1x)
ETH/BNB (1x)
ADA/BNB (1x)
DOT/BNB (1x)
EOS/BNB (1x)

preview of the incentivized pools

Stake Nyan-LP tokens here:

The Development Fund

We believe longevity and that every project needs funds in order to sustain healthy development. Since there is no pre-allocation, we have set the ‘feeTo’ property in the liquidity providing contract so 0.0498% of the fees charged for swapping of tokens will go to our dev fund address. We will keep this as-is so as to ensure a minimum amount of liquidity in the platform.

We don’t believe in receiving ‘mined’ tokens straight up upon every single block (like what most projects do). The dev fund will get a contribution 10% of the ‘mined’ tokens when you claim your NYA tokens. These would be deducted from the remaining pool, not from your claimed NYA tokens so you will definitely receive what you see. We will grow along with you.


Nyanswop is still in beta, so use it at your own risk. Do your own research!

That being said, our contracts are mainly referenced from Uniswap.

Our priority is certainly getting all of our contracts audited. That would definitely be the first usage of the dev fund.

Here’s the main contracts:

NYAN-LP: 0x8283C220e764B54aaB8a9Bae7d547984428B4Cd5
Factory: 0xF38D202723a9376C034eD5b8Cecb4EFe8f249836
Router: 0xc946764369623F560a5962D32c1D16D45F1BD6fa
RewardFactory: 0xCC010d0aF48c8a5c26C6e0972699E0E7A23BcF39
StakingReward: 0x5E5aB212e09B83D1d356aE8889AC6f5c7E0Ef276

We’re currently trying our best to get them all verified on bscscan. (update: all contracts are verified on bscscan)

One Last Nyan~

As mentioned in our previous post. Twitter is our only communication channel. Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates so that others will do the same.


Launch Time: October 15, 2020 12:00:00 UTC+0

Today, cats will fly and we will be the Unicorn of the Binance Smart Chain.





Nyanswop is a decentralized protocol for automated liquidity provision on the Binance Smart Chain